The Black Border

While visiting Reiman Gardens in Ames, Iowa, I had the pleasure of stumbling across one of their annual displays, the black border. It is a lovely, dark collection of annual flowers designed by Sarah Rummery, their manager of horticulture. It had a stunning and almost glamorous vibe, so I had to share it with you (since I LOVE theme gardens!).
Actea simplex atropurpurea 'black negligee' / bugbane
Alcea rosea var. nigra | black as night hollyhock
Capsicum annuum 'black pearl' | ornamental pepper
Colocasia 'black coral' | elephant ear
Colocasia 'mojito' | elephant ear
Dahlia 'black satin' | dahlia
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'nigrescens' | mondo grass
Pennisetum purpuream 'vertigo' | pennisetum
Petunia 'black magic' | petunia
Rudbeckia occidentalis 'green wizard' | western coneflower
Scabiosa atropurpurpea 'black night' | pincushion flower
Zantedeschia 'black star' | calla lily